Friday, December 27, 2019

Maternal and Infant Mortality Rate in the US Essays

Introduction: Losing a loved one is a very painful experience especially when someone is lost through maternal means. As far as culture diversity is concerned, many communities around the world have different expectations when it comes to maternal mortality on whether to lose the baby or the mom. In most communities, they opt for the child to die and the mom to survive while in others, they prefer the baby to survive and lose the mom even though such believers are very minimal around the world. Maternal mortalities of both the mothers and the infants are increasing at a very high level around the world with the United States of America being the best recipient with the highest number of infant mortalities behind Bosnia. Maternal mortality is a situation where a mother succumbs to motilities through hemorrhage hypertension or heart attack at delivery. According to the experts estimation, there are more than fifty instances that are complication related to pregnancies for each birth Within the first twenty four hours of childbirth in the world, it is reported that approximately two million babies die just few hours after birth and with the United States of America reported to have the second worst highest infant mortality rate in the modern developed world. This is according to the newly released report. During their first months, babies in the United States of America are more likely to die as the ones born in Japan, and infant deaths is two point five times higher in United States than in Iceland, Norway or Finland. This is according to reliable painstaking researches. The only country that beats The United States of America in high infant mortalities is Latvia with 6 deaths out of one thousand birth rates. Given the fact that the United States of America has a high number of neonatologists as well as neonatal intensive care unit beds for each person as compared to the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, its infant mortality rate is on the higher side as compared to any of these countries. A well analyzed and confirmed data from the governments, international agencies and various research institutions discovered higher infant mortality rates among the American disadvantaged groups as well as the minorities. One hundred and twenty five countries are ranked according to the ten gauges of well being, 6 for mothers and 4 for children; this included objective measures like lifetime mortality risk for the mothers as well as infant mortality rates and even the subjective measures like women’s political status. According to the chief executive officer of save the children, President Charles McCormack, the report card indicated the direct link between the mother’s status and their children’s status. This means that, in governments which mothers do well, their children also do well. The president said this with a report accompanied by a written statement. Doctor Michael Lu a public health’s a Gynecology and Obstetrics UCLA Associate professor, commenced a presentation at eNews concerning the mortality rates of infants which   he termed as disgraceful with a promise of Africa. He said in that promise that America was failing to in illustrating the extent of its failure concerning the infant mortality rates among black mothers who were termed as the most affected by the mortality rates as compared to the white mothers whereby they were expected to be born as twice under weight as compared to the white children just as they were as well likely to be twice prematurely born and also more likely to lose their lives at infancy. The rate of African American mothers dying during childbirth was also estimated to be at seventy percent reason being the assumption those African-American women were genetically predisposed (Lu,   2010) According to The Daily Beast reports there is an alarming rise of mortalities of mothers during their child birthing. This occurs through obesity epidemic, hemorrhage and largely through caesarean section. Through its reliable investigator Danielle Friedman, on maternal deaths and their possible causes, She gives an example of a thirty seven year old mother who lost her life after successfully giving birth to a healthy bouncing baby girl due to the carelessness of doctors who assumed that, all was well with the her health because she looked healthy during her pregnancy and therefore neglected to check on her healthy regularly for other complications. She met her death after she unsuccessfully delivered the placenta leading to the unsuccessfully surgery performed on her to remove the placenta but only for the doctors to realize two days later that they had lost her due to hemorrhage. Her sudden death raised so many questions as per to why the doctors paid less attention to her during her pregnancy and after giving birth more so after the operation. Was it not for the carelessness of the doctors, the death would not have occurred, sentiments echoed by her widower Mr. Brian Muffy, when telling The Daily Beast. According to Friedman, over the past twenty years, maternal mortality rate in the United States of America has almost doubled with each year recording about five hundred deaths of women due to pregnancy-related complications. Shocking still, among the industrialized nations, the United States of America is ranked at terrible position of forty first by the WHO’s list of maternal mortality rates behind states like Bosnia and south Korea even though the US   spends a huge amount of money on maternal care than any country in the world. The daily beast reveals that there are several explanations attached to these mysteries some of them being; Skyrocketing Caesarean Rates whereby, Friedman argues that before caesarean sections were advanced to be as safe as they are purported to be today, and even after the government of America pumping of money into this sector, one out of three women currently give birth through surgical procedures as compared to ten years ago where one out of f ive maternal women gave birth through caesarean section. Following this, the WHO indicates that America’s caesarian rate should not exceed fifteen percent meaning that more than a half of the Caesarean procedures in America are medically unnecessary sins since these high caesarean rates are related to maternal mortality rates. This is simply because more than eighty percent of women who deliver through surgical births are more likely to undergo re-hospitalization as compared to women who give birth normally through a vagina. Chances are that, the caesarean women are four times more likely to die due to complications like hemorrhage and pulmonary embolism. Obesity among pregnant moms is also another factor influencing maternal rates in the United States of America. Despite serious risks, obese women in America are giving birth. Centers for disease control in US indicate that one over five women become obese during the beginning of their pregnancies. Such women are at risk of getting more health complications like diabetes, high blood pressure and hypertension which possibly leads to fatal conditions such as preeclampsia. In US, eighteen percent of maternal losses are caused by preeclampsia whereby as compared to the past decade, this condition has deteriorated by growing up to forty percent. Due to soft tissues impeding delivery, sometimes labor becomes difficult among obese women. These women are also at a danger for delivering overweight babies which will need caesarean procedure and also develop heart problems and post partum infections. Another A disparity in accessing care among pregnant women in the US is also another challenge that causes maternal immortalities. It is reported that one in five of women who are t the age of child bearing, are not insured. Over the past decades, the health care system in the US widely grew forcing the existence of economic disparities. In many states, most of the poor women do qualify for medical cover once they get pregnant to but only to be dropped later. According to the Amnesty International reports, most of these women are dropped just six weeks after giving birth. A maternal health expert Dr. Gene Declercq who is based at the school of public health in Boston University, terms such women as baby delivery vessels due to the limited attention that they are accorded. According to Kaplan, if a woman develops complications like hypertension and diabetes, in her first pregnancy, the dangerous cycle begin there. On the process, the women’s condition deteriorates since she is not capable of affording the proper medical care for her situation. Worst still, such women are not in positions to afford even to help prevent pregnancies and they usually end up getting pregnancies repeatedly whereby most of the times, they get themselves into greater dangers. This happens until by the time they get back to Medicaid’s for their next pregnancies, they are not in good conditions. The good news to such women in the United States of America is that, approximately fifteen million people are going to access Medicaid’s according to the proposed health-care reforms which are expected to make Medicaid’s easily accessible whereby this will include maternal and prenatal care (Kaplan, 2010) Another condition that triggers the maternal mortality rate is Unnecessary Medical Interventions such as through Caesarean sections where drugs are induced to sooth labor as well as the devices that are put in place to screen how the condition of the heart and how it beats. All these devices are meant to save women’s lives but sometimes they turn out to complicate lives of those women who are healthy by creating a new problem. When these interventions are unprofessionally applied to a pregnant woman, or rather performed inconveniently or unnecessarily, they can cause Urinal Track Infection to some women. These problems have been highly reported in most of the developed countries since they are technologically advanced. It is also reported that forty percent of women in labor are induced unlike the other developed countries where inducements are only applied as the last option. These drugs trigger lots chains of complications to women aggressive contractions being an example. L oudon reiterates that initially, deliveries that were undertaken at home by trained supervised midwives were lowest as compared to those taken in hospitals (Loudon, 2010) Older mothers at their forties are as well at risk of maternal mortality rates. Women of thirty five years and above are likely to suffer from gestational diabetes among many other complications since they are most likely to deliver twins or even multiples, usually, multiples are more risky to deliver as compared to a single birth and this applies to both babies and mothers. In this case, moms who are over forty years of age are expected to lose more lives as compared to as compared to those young moms. Another major reason as per to why higher mortality rates are recorded is due to poor birth education. In the present United States birth is reported to be increasingly medicalized and due to this fact, most women are ignorantly suffering from lack of knowledge in decision making as far as childbirth is concerned. Women who are low income learners do not have enough to money to access proper health care lessons and as a result, they are ignorant of ideal expectant mothers’ medication a well as the type of activities to engage in as well as the activities they should not engage themselves in. Some of these activities are smoking, drinking and even excessive eating some foods that are not good for pregnant moms just to mention a few. It has been also detected that during C- section, women feel powerless to an extent that they even lose control of their birth experience. Due to fatigue, being overworked and weeping repeatedly, these women are not in a good position to direct some the questions to since they cannot be able to make any informed decision. References: Lu, M. (2010): Is Racism Behind High Infant Mortality Rates among African-American. Derived October 6, 2010 from Friedman, D. (2000): The Beast New York. Kaplan, D. (2010): Health freedom alliance. Derived October 6, 2010 from Loudon, (2000): Maternal mortality in the past and its relevance to developing countries today.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Avenue Q by Robert Lopez free essay sample

The Tony Award winning musical, Avenue Q is nothing short of riotously funny. An adult-themed parody of Sesame Street, this musical deals with every problem modern society faces, from bankruptcy and homelessness to homophobia, loose women, not having a boyfriend, and even congress. There is nothing this show does not hilariously mock and parody- the superintendent of the apartments on Avenue Q is former child star, Gary Coleman! There was not a moment of the show I wasnt laughing. Not only is the show itself funny, it is surprisingly well done. There are many beautiful harmonies within the songs, and the music is sophisticated and very pleasing. Some personal favorites include If You Were Gay, You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want (When Youre Making Love), Schadenfreude, and the hit showstopper, Everyones A Little Bit Racist. Avenue Q will make you laugh, cry, and gasp in shock. We will write a custom essay sample on Avenue Q by Robert Lopez or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A definite A+.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Selling your Personal Essay. Guide for Beginners

Selling your Personal Essay. Guide for Beginners Each work of art is seeking for an audience. Writing good essays in college and selling them to a magazine do have some significant distinctions. Do you feel that touching people’s hearts with words is your true calling you can make a living for in future? Then follow up the article to enclose all the nuances to become a selling essayist. Figure out the Market There are hundreds of great magazines targeted on a wide range of topics: science fiction, politics, economics, society and entertainment. And each one has its one style – a recognizable and distinguished patterns of delivering information. For that reason your own essay has to fit some demand of the magazine as well. After a deliberate market research outline the magazines you find the most appealing in terms of content and style. Then check the archives and read a couple of essays to identify what peculiarities are hidden: what is the length, is it a serious magazine or do they encourage some humor and irony? Matching your essays to the demand of the magazine raises the chances to get published for sure. Submitting an Essay to an Editor The next important step is finding the submission information for the particular magazine. It’s worth reminding that you may apply for an online magazine as well. In any case, the information on both printed and online journals is usually easy to find on the Internet. It’s a good idea to look for an email address of a particular column writer, let’s say popular science. If you don’t get lack to find the address, do not get disappointed. There’s always a phone number to consult the office and ask for help to reach the writer you are looking for. Writing an email should get some of your attention as well. Do not forget to include the subject, so it won’t be regarded as spam.   Give some relevant information on yourself and explain the reason why the topic can get the writer interested. Be short – no more than 4 sentences. Don’t get discouraged Do not think of a rejection as of a stone into your fence. There may be various reasons why the essay didn’t work out not meaning you have no talent for writing. Remember the first tip in the article about the demand for articles? Well, that may be the case as well. The work is good enough but it may simply not fit in the usual content type. Stepping out of the regular boundaries is okey and is even encouraged but the magazines have a consistent audience that read it because they enjoy the form and style. There’s not much sense to include something people are not looking for to get. Another reason that may come in the way is unprocessed material. Having a good idea is not enough. Probably, the research you’ve made is not deep enough or you simply lack some skills of attracting and catching reader’s attention because you lack some experience. The more you write, the better your structure and formatting will get. Developing an Exclusive Style Thinks that have some particular qualities always stick for long time in memory. Find your own style is essential: a unique, permanent formula will build a steady audience that appreciates it. If you are not sure which way to hit, read a lot. I mean a lot. Ray Bradbury came out of a poor family and had never got a chance to go to college, what didn’t prevent him from constant reading. He later would joke that by the time his peers finished college he finished the library. And it successfully paid back, don’t you think? Through reading not only essay and magazines you underline literary devices and hooks that keep your attention focus; tricks that make you want the book to be everlasting.   It enriches your vocabulary as well. Books and journals can get you inspired and help develop an individual manner of writing.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Cultural Visual Metaphors

A Cultural Visual Metaphors A visual metaphor is a comparison of something that belongs to one category with another of a different category (Arnheim 125). It suggests a similarity between the two things. Visual metaphors vary from one cultural setting to another. For this reason the intended message may be lost if a metaphor from one culture is used in another one.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Cultural Visual Metaphors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, visual metaphors that are used in cosmopolitan societies must be universal in order to fit into everyone’s mental model of reality. Visual metaphors tremendously enhance our thinking and understanding of things. Some examples of visual metaphors include: American farmers need a financial safety net, Ideas are mushrooms that multiply quickly, he played the devil’s advocate yesterday, ideas are winged, things are elephant right now, asking questions is priming the pump of better understanding, thoughts are the seeds of creation, we left on foot even though it was raining cats and dogs, a positive attitude is a lighthouse for the hopeful, you have the heart of a lion, you’re my sunshine, she is a visual thinking butterfly, still in her cocoon. Visual metaphors play an important role in learning. Metaphors in general improve the speed with which we grasp various things and notions. Learners are able to get some things faster. However, this is thought is true only when the learner has already experience of the image being used (Benson 200). The understanding of a new thing will in such situations depend on the individual’s understanding of the image. Metaphors help the learner understand reality. Metaphors are used on a daily basis to help us get an insight of the world around us. Visual metaphors shape ones understanding of the surrounding. This in turn influences ones mental picture of reality. The mental model of reality is instrume ntal in assisting one to make critical decisions on some situations later in life. The decisions made tend to be more effective when one is exposed to metaphors early in life. Visual metaphors may also inspire and motivate one depending on one’s understanding of the metaphor. Visual metaphors help us in visual thinking. The metaphors provide the user with an opportunity to communicate a visual message in a way that enhances understanding and awareness (Bowers 73). Visual metaphors help people we are communicating with connect with us and thus create a deep understanding of the message being shared. Therefore, metaphors add color to our understanding.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another effect that visual metaphors have on visual thinking is linking the new with the familiar. They help bridge the gap between the new and the familiar. This device assists its users in putting together new concepts and ideas in a way that others can connect with. Each new idea is presented to the end user in a manner that evokes familiarity and understanding. Familiarity helps us overcome the fear and anxiety associated with encountering things for the first time. It nurtures acceptance and tolerance. Visual metaphors help us internalize what we learn. Internalization is a pre-requisite for better understanding and abstraction. Internalization helps us form mental models of things. The models later come into play when we are thinking abstractly. Metaphors, therefore, play an important role in society. They help us understand difficult subjects through association. Visual metaphors are an important aspect of visual thinking. They add color to visual thinking. Without visual metaphors, visual and abstract thinking would be plain. Arnheim, Rudolph. Visual thinking. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 1999. Print. Benson, Thomas W., Prosser, Michael. Re adings in classical rhetoric. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2002. Print. Bowers, A., Flinders, David J. Responsive teaching: An ecological approach to  Classroom patterns of language, culture, and thought. New York: Teachers College Press. 1990. Print.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

American Business Managers In Cross-Cultural Negotiations

American Business Managers In Cross-Cultural Negotiations One of the fastest ways for an American to sour negotiations with other cultures is to think that everybody does business the same as Americans. Thank goodness that this is so very far from the truth. For Americans to succeed in the foreign business world, we must learn to be more observant of the feelings and cultures of others. In no place is this more evident than in our own back doorMexico and the Latin/South American countries.Just because they are "local", we should be able to treat them the same as we do our own contacts. This is so very far from the truth.The Spanish culture of Mexico and the Latin/South American countries are similar in so may ways to their Spanish ancestors, but are still quite set in their own Cultural manners. Even in the smallest of towns, there is a tight social ladder that must be adhered to if negotiations are to be successful.United StatesEach person has their own place in the society, and they must be counted as such.A key are that the American Cult ure must re-learn is that of being polite and proper. The Spanish-American culture is very socially oriented, and the "air" that is left is very important. Common courtesy and protocol are sensitive issues. A quick way to sour most relationships is to demean the dominant male figure.More than anyone else I have observed, American Businessmen and Women like to dress-up and show how "proper" they are. This immediately causes a problem in that conservative dress is the norm. On arrival for meetings, or other activities, observe what the local attire is.It is a bad omen to dress more formally than those you are meeting are.Observe the bankers, lawyers, and the professionals/bureaucrats.Americans are...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Competing Through Marketing ''Managing Information '' Assignment

Competing Through Marketing ''Managing Information '' - Assignment Example The most important question that business managers and owners should try to answer is what they need in order to effectively manage the data, internet resources, software and hardware, so as to ensure that they are efficiently used for the success strategies of the business. E-business refers to the application and uses of information systems in order to support and drive the processes of a business, mostly by use of web technologies. According to Amor (1999), e-business allows businesses to link their external and internal processes more effectively and efficiently and closely work with their partners thus satisfying their expectation and needs of their customers thus increasing the overall business performance. There are many types of internet technologies that are specifically designed to help businesses not to work harder but smarter (Sachenko, 2009). These tools include mobile, wireless technology and collaboration tools, social media and customer relationship management among o thers. Strategic /Problem Analysis The business under focus is a small high quality restaurant that uses very basic computer facilities. Therefore, most of the business operations like advertising, supplying and orders are done the traditional way. For example, to receive quality supplies, they have to order by writing a delivery order, and advertisements are done through posters and over the radio and television. Though this is a high quality restaurant, the number of customers it receives every day is so small that it cannot meet its targeted profits. It is therefore important for business owners and managers to understand the importance of application and use of electronic information systems, so that they can reduce on high costs and conveniently increase profits by working smarter. The strategic objective of this restaurant owner is to increase profits as well meeting the expectations of their customers, which is something they rarely achieve. The business has been incurring he avy losses due to the high travel and communication costs as well as few customers, who cannot help reach the desired goals. If the management of this restaurant can switch on to e-business, such losses can be greatly reduced and customers can increase as a result of e-advertising, which is now the most accessible to prospective customers, who are seeking high quality services for example foreign tourists. The following are the benefits that the restaurant is likely to achieve by effectively switching into e-business. Benefits of – Business E-business helps to increase workforce productivity by helping the user in locating and viewing information faster, as well as application of important roles (National B2B Centre Limited 2007). Web browser can help the restaurant owners to retrieve data stored in the data base at any time from anywhere, but with security provisions like encryption and use of passwords (University of Pittsburgh, 2003), thus keeping them updated on business operations. This helps them take necessary precautions and measure that the business requires at the right time, thus improving their performance. It also helps customers to receive the best services from the restaurant as managers are able to fast access useful information that ensure efficient services. E-business will also help the restaurants owners to save time and money as they reduce on travelling and communication